Science by Zeba Academy

NASA and Nokia to Build a 4G Network on the Moon

NASA and Nokia to build a 4G network on the Moon

After anchoring a successful history in space technologies, Nokia has been chosen by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to build the first-ever 4G cellular networks on the moon, as a part of the “Tipping Point” project to boost research and technology in space.  NASA has been awarded $14.1 million to Nokia of America to build the 4G cellular networks on the moon. Now you must be wondering, why does NASA need the internet on the Moon?

So, according to NASA, the astronauts in space can hardly communicate with NASA and at times the conditions of the astronauts remain unknown. And that forms one of the biggest reasons as to why NASA wants to make it easy to operate the internet in space. The 4G cellular network by Nokia will help sort the problems of communication for data transmission, including command and control of lunar rovers, real-time navigation over lunar geography, and streaming of high definition video.

Nokia said, “Astronauts will be able to communicate via voice and video as well as exchange biometric data through the wireless communications”.

Upgrade from a 4G to a 5G system

Nokia expects to upgrade from a 4G to a 5G system in time and the idea of NASA to install a 4G/5G network on the Moon is inspired by “terrestrial technology”, which has been an area of active research, development, innovation and business models development in recent years. Nokia proposes to deploy the first LTE/4G communications system in space. And setting up a lunar network is seen to be a challenge. However, Nokia says that their equipment has been specifically designed to widths and both the difficult conditions of the launch will continue to operate in space without an atmosphere with the use of a 5G network.

Thus, the self-driving cars, smart cities, fully-connected homes, robots are all going to be a part of us in the future and all of these will be powered by a 5G. The ‘G’ meaning “Generations” is referring to the upcoming generations which are going to be 10 times faster than the 4G network on your phone.


Hence, NASA is going back for a few more scientific discoveries, economic benefits, and inspiration for a new generation of explorers and to help pave the way towards a system of sustainable human presence on the lunar surface communications at a farther distance, accelerated speed, and greater reliability than the current standards.

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